My son is studing K1 full-time school. In the school, he can eat very fast by himself. However, at home, he will eat very slow and run. Sometimes, he will not finish the dinner. I always push and blame him. If the maid feed him, he can finish the dinner. Any advice ? Many thanks.
This is the same situation for my daughter. She's turning to be four and is attending full-time Kindergarten. Her teacher said she can finish her lunch on her own but she's speechify, talk and eat, talk and eat......
When she was at home, same performance + distracted by surroundings...... Always and always we need remind her to keep on eating......
She sometimes requested me to feed, OK provided she performe to eat by herself at least 2/3 portion.
Later on, I find the countermeasure: that is to free her.
Don't be nervous, don't yell or 勞氣, stay clam. Don't push too forth her for eating. Just remind her once or twice to eat respectfully.
At the beginning, she might be feeling frastruated by your act or crying. You'll be 唔捨得. Hold tightly on your principle. Try to execute for a longer period of time, then you'll see their improvement graudully.