星期六坐加航帶左架舊款Graco Deluxe Stroller,點知比佢地搬爛左,the front wheels broken off,Registered at the Airport,比左reference number我打去customer care度,佢地要我拎架stroller去repair再send reciept or quotation比佢地complete approval of claims,但係我都唔知去邊repair,已經email to graco cs ask for help,但五日內真係有難度,有冇jm有相關經驗或者意見幫到手?Thank you!
i heard from radio, saying if you can't wait for 5 days. and keep pushing them, they will have some lost and found items for you to choose one to use to replace the broken one.
and if you can't find the ideal one, keep pushing, and they might issue a cash/check for the compensation right away - and u could use that cash to buy a new one...