最好梗係full-time mom w maid.
我番緊工,放工自己湊,冇工人,有兩個,咁多年都唔覺辛苦,幾enjoy仲好有滿足感,因為冇工人用,自己都handle得好好,仔仔女女都算train得幾聽話,而且又有收入,用錢可以爽 D.
I think 全職媽咪is more辛苦, because you have to face the children all day, and have to look after them like feeding them and play with them, worrying about if they will get hurt, etc....and you hardly take a rest, sometimes they will give you hard time. But if you are在職媽咪, first of all, you will have your salary, so you can buy whatever you want, you will have friends to talk to and when you come home you will feel missing the children all day and will even pay more attention to them.
This is my experience after taking care of my own child and grand child. So, I decided to work again. I feel happy and even feeling young.