lauretta 寫道:
紅外線耳探溫度計 -100個stamp free of charge
50個stamp +$99.9
$400 for no stamp
全自動血壓計 - 300個stamp free of charge
150個stamp +$289.9
$900 for no stamp
測脂電子磅 - 300個stamp free of charge
150個stamp +$289.9
$800 for no stamp
紅外線磁力按摩器 - 175個stamp free of charge
50個stamp +$169.9
$600 for no stamp
蒸氣清洗槍 - 250個stamp free of charge
150個stamp +$239.9
$750 for no stamp
快速榨汁機 - 400個stamp free of charge
200個stamp +$379.9
$1000 for no stamp
多功能攪切機 - 450個stamp free of charge
200個stamp +$439.9
$1000 for no stamp
摺合單車 - 750個stamp free of charge
500個stamp +$299.9
200個stamp +$739.9
$2000 for no stamp