




積分: 5148

發表於 06-11-12 01:26 |只看該作者

Anyone can help me? about my 1.5 yrs old boy! thks

my little boy always bites us, even my other family, sometimes he also slaps us, what I can do and it's normal behaviour for the toddles do that?? even we said "no" to him, and slaps him, and explaint him he is hurting us, but sounds doesn't work. I feel very depressed that I can't do anything, and everytime when I slap him, I feel also upset and fail to be a mom. pls help!!! :-(


積分: 371

發表於 06-11-12 01:51 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone can help me? about my 1.5 yrs old boy! thks

BBIX 寫道:
my little boy always bites us, even my other family, sometimes he also slaps us, what I can do and it's normal behaviour for the toddles do that?? even we said "no" to him, and slaps him, and explaint him he is hurting us, but sounds doesn't work. I feel very depressed that I can't do anything, and everytime when I slap him, I feel also upset and fail to be a mom. pls help!!! :-(

I feel so sorry that you used a definitely wrong method. If somebody slaped you and asked you don't slap the others, how do you feel? He is still so young and just following what the adult do. You've made a vicious circle. It's better to take some more time to explain, and usually at this age, they will just do the same wrong actions for a short period of time.


積分: 5148

發表於 06-11-12 02:08 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone can help me? about my 1.5 yrs old boy! thks

hokittyho, thks for your reply. yeah. u're right. but how I do if he bites us, i 'm afraid he 's going to do w/ his schoolmate when he will be in kinder next yr.


積分: 471

發表於 06-11-12 02:50 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone can help me? about my 1.5 yrs old boy! thks

When my son was 1.5 yrs old, he also bite us. We will said "oh! it is painful to Mama and Papa la." He may find his gum is itchy and teach him to bite a cool bite-toy. The habbits will fade away later.

Remember: Don't do the wrong thing that he does on you. ie, slap and bite him. He will follow what you do.

Nick and Nicole


積分: 5148

發表於 06-11-12 23:15 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone can help me? about my 1.5 yrs old boy! thks

mfung, thks a lot. I will bear in mind what u remind me. But, how long your son is going to stop to bite u? cos even I gave me the cool bite toy, he just bite for a while, that's all.
Today, he bit my hubby's finger, and he scolded him and slapped him. But I told him try not to do that, cos our boy is going to hate u. he.e.e..I hope he could ctrl la...


積分: 471

發表於 06-11-13 00:20 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone can help me? about my 1.5 yrs old boy! thks

May be last for 2 months. Cant remember exactly. He bite my shoulder when I held him.

BBIX 寫道:
mfung, thks a lot. I will bear in mind what u remind me. But, how long your son is going to stop to bite u? cos even I gave me the cool bite toy, he just bite for a while, that's all.
Today, he bit my hubby's finger, and he scolded him and slapped him. But I told him try not to do that, cos our boy is going to hate u. he.e.e..I hope he could ctrl la...
Nick and Nicole


積分: 90988

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發表於 06-11-13 12:05 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone can help me? about my 1.5 yrs old boy! thks

I think slapping/beating/biting him back is not going to work, as it teaches him violence can solve problems.

May I sugguest taking away what he likes most for one day as punishment. Eg. his favourite toy goes to jail, no TV, no sweets, etc


