My friend's new yan just arrived. She is 23 but after she arrived, she tell my friend she is 17 ony. She was not underpay. Anybody know if my friend will have trouble???[quote]
I think it's their Govn't ( Indonesia)... their govn't is soooo corrupted that $$$ can do anything.
All they have to do is to pay and they can be any age they want... any name they want.
My best friend in Univ.... she is Indonesian Chinese... from a very very rich family in Jarkata.. she told me she started to drive when she was only 14!!!
How?? just pay and you can be 18 immediately!!!
Yes, they can change the age, name whenever they want as long as they have $$$ to pay. My current maid went to Singapore when she was 19 only. Now she is 22 but on her passport is 25.
She is still like a kid but the good thing is she enjoys playing with kids. I would never hire one that only works in Indonesia. As over Indonesia, each family usually has a few maids to share the workload.