May be this kind of massage can help. I'll try to describe the action but I am not sure if I can express it properly.
Image your breast are two circles. One small circle inside a one big circle. The outer circle is your breast. The inner circle is your nipple. What you can do is to push from the outer cirlce to the inner circle by using three fingers. Like you are using three fingers to draw a straight line from outer to inner circle. Make sure you cover every part. You will find lumps when you are massaging and feel a bit painful when your fingers pass those lumps. But keep trying. Do this while you are feeding the baby. You will feel like that you are pushing away the lumps. Of course don't massage too hard. If you can manage to do it properly, after 1-2 days, the lumps will be away. And keep doing it while you are feeding, there will no problem. A nurse who is specialised in breast feeding taught me this.
I am not sure if I express myself clear enough. Hope it is helpful.