欲知前世因 今生受的是 欲知來世果 今生作的是
是故莫以善小而不為, 莫以惡小而為之
Karma - What you put out into the world comes back to you.
How you live you life determines what kind of life you will have.
欲知前世因 今生受的是 欲知來世果 今生作的是
是故莫以善小而不為, 莫以惡小而為之
Karma - What you put out into the world comes back to you.
How you live you life determines what kind of life you will have.
欲知前世因 今生受的是 欲知來世果 今生作的是
是故莫以善小而不為, 莫以惡小而為之
Karma - What you put out into the world comes back to you.
How you live you life determines what kind of life you will have.
欲知前世因 今生受的是 欲知來世果 今生作的是
是故莫以善小而不為, 莫以惡小而為之
Karma - What you put out into the world comes back to you.
How you live you life determines what kind of life you will have.