1. Application letter from employer containing the reason to legalize new employment contract without going through the agency – Can I have a sample letter?
2. New employment contract signed by employer, domestic helper and two witnesses – where can I get the contract for execution?
3. Recent photo of domestic helper and employer (one photo each person) – Is it mean passport photo?
4. Copy of domestic helper ID Card.- Is it HKID Card?
5. Copy of domestic helper’s valid passport and valid working visa – Is it the working visa on the passport?
6. Copy of employer ID Card.
7. Health statement letter from doctor attached with medical check-up report – How can I get this and how much?
8. Old employment contract (copy and original).
9. Legalization fee of HK$480. – by cash or cheque?
10. Statement letter from parent/guardian or husband (for married status) containing no objection to the domestic helper to extend employment contract without agency (attached with her parent/guardian or husband