我鐘意佢高清同有 5.1 je, 有時睇番好得意 好立體感架 , 又可以佩埋 bluetooth mic , 夜視又好玩 , 不過真係幾重 ..... 我如果再揀部細既會 canon HV10 , 絕對只係我個人喜愛 je .
我分二部 computer 做 edit , notebook 做相 , sr1 既 DVD 做 desktop 做, 因為 sr1 係高清 , 所以會耐 d , 通常我夜晚燒 > 第二朝就燒好 DVD , but 因為我未有燒高清既機 , 所以全部 file 我都要 save 係 hard disk 先 , 都幾多 , 已經 full 左個 250 mb hard disk ............ 都未計 d 相 .....
Please advise the DVD you made is a normal DVD?
Also, what is your computer config? Do you use hardware mepg?
I also decided to buy either HV10 or Sr1, HV10 having benefit all data store in tape and SR1 will kill me because I need to buy a lot of harddisc?