tongbetty 寫道:
i) is it good to keep frozen milk? is it nurtrient for bb?
Ans: good to keep the frozen milk, for emergency usage. There is of course nutrients for bb.
ii) should I pump the same amount or pump less (so that no need to keep frozen milk)?
Ans: Should pump more than or equal to the amount of bb drinks, as if you pump less, most likely the milk supply will decrease also.
iii) how long can I keep the frozen milk in the freezer? is it 3 mths.?
Ans: Depends on the freezer you are using. Most of the time for the 2 door fridge, you can store at most 3 months ( some even say, under -18 degree, and not opening the freezer frequently, you can store up to 6 months ).
iv) if I continue to pump 26 oz a day and have enough supply, then when should I start to use the frozen milk?
Ans: I usually use around 1/2 frozen, 1/2 fresh milk daily.
please advice
tongbetty 寫道:
thanks, how much u pump everyday? do u also keep frozen milk? do u bb like it?