Hi, Happy New Year! Wish you have a Happy, Wonderful 2007!
re : Full Time Mom
I totally can't be a full time mom... took few days to take care of heib.. nothing done, only played with her.. didn't iron the clothes.. mop floor 2 times per week...
mike, tinama, bblong, 3....
re : Korean Dinner
sorry.. I finally didn't attend.
re : 唔想返HK
唔好話 d 小朋友唔想返HK. . . .me too!!
I also want to stay jp for few days more. . . .果 bin d 野 crazy sale ar!! I don't hv enough time to shop!! :-(
re : 鬧女
yy 都唔係好 nuaghty 姐. . . .. is yr requirement too high mah??!!
hard to wake up!!
ai . . . me too!! really don't want to go back office!!
re : working mom again
wa haha... very itchy body... can't stay home la... be a full time mom a few days, I'm very sure I can't quit my job. I told hubby last night even only earn $3000 per month, I prefer to work law..
me too. . . also can't be full time c nine. . . . . esp. i know nothing about cooking, if full time mami, w/o maid, my kids must lack of nutrients!!
Quarry Bay OL. . . .congratulations!!
but really a bit far away wor?!?!
how good is yr job that allow you to attend all activities!?!? great!!
jp trip. . . .happy ar!! only bring my gal is easy!! i can shopping, eating, hot spring. . . . . chatting with fds, siu-yeh . . . . . .very good!!
only 1 thing no good is missing little b so much lor!!
re : must lack of nutrients
haha... give me 5! last few days... we (heib & I) went out for lunch/dinner, eg... Cafe de carol's shanghai pork chop veg rice... or simple food at home like fish noodles with veg ('brand - 4 hoi')..