




積分: 76

發表於 07-1-3 02:58 |只看該作者

Am I too young?

Dear all,

I'm 27 years old and my husband loves baby and he is already 36 years old. However, I want to complete my Master Degree which will take 1 and a half year... should I wait until I complete? Am I still young and afford to wait? Or should I complete the Master after I gave birth?

Many Thanks and hope all of your dreams will come true soon!



積分: 3404

發表於 07-1-3 03:39 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?


well, how many years have you married ar? and what you put in the first place? Your hubby? Your education? You're part time student or full time? if you put your hubby first, then I think you should gave birth first then complete the Master ar..but if you don't, you know the answer ar...

hehe..don't worry la...use some times to think about it law...it's not a small thing ar.


積分: 158

發表於 07-1-3 05:07 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

Yeah, it doesn't really matter. If you are 37 asking about this question, I will ask you to think seriously. Now that you are just 27. Do it now or 2 years later, just doesn't make any difference.

BerniceTang 寫道:
Dear all,

I'm 27 years old and my husband loves baby and he is already 36 years old. However, I want to complete my Master Degree which will take 1 and a half year... should I wait until I complete? Am I still young and afford to wait? Or should I complete the Master after I gave birth?

Many Thanks and hope all of your dreams will come true soon!



積分: 689

發表於 07-1-3 11:42 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

27 is a good age for pregnancy. Now you think a bit more time. Then you take the action. You know, sometimes, ACTION also takes SOME times. (唔係話有就有) Then you really get pregnant. Then ten months later, you become a real mum. At that time, you will be already near 30 la.
I got pregnant when I was studying my postgraduate dip (part time). I really enjoyed the time. Everyone asked you to leave earlier including the lecturer . I even missed one test because of giving birth. The lecturer helped a lot. 生仔大晒痳


積分: 660

發表於 07-1-3 12:21 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?



積分: 98

發表於 07-1-3 12:50 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

如果你兩夫妻經濟及思想都成熟的話,這個年紀懷孕,是好好的!你看我們各位姊妹,都正在想經歷這個懷孕過程,千方百計去想有BB(我已努力好多年了,都是........唉!!!),因為我們女人有生育年齡的限制,男人無呀!所以,你和先生好好計劃呀 :-P :-P


積分: 347

發表於 07-1-3 12:51 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

讀緊master同生小孩冇乜衝突wor... 就算係半路中途有咪申請deferal lor, 所有大學都allow deferal ga, 況且讀master唔係真係咁辛苦jeh... 除非你係講緊CUHK的Ed. Psy. la... or else 只係上堂-->睇reading -->做功課, 最后加project 或 thesis, 即使係thesis 只要你肯花2個月時間專心做, 一定得! 有d programmes 唔洗寫thesis tim...

姊妹們講得對, 唔係話肯"做"就有, 早d準備好呀


積分: 7772

發表於 07-1-3 13:57 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

No la. 27 is good for pregnant. I also gave birth to my BB when I've just reached 27. My baby is now 14 months old. I'm also taking a master degree course and it shall be completed in late 2007 as well. So don't worry too much. The most important thing is if you feel comfortable. If you want to complete the course before pregnancy, sure OK wow. I think all BK sisters would support you. But for me, I want to get a master degree as soon as possible so as to get a better offer, while I don't want to have generation gap with my BB.


積分: 174

發表於 07-1-3 14:19 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

我25歲開始同老公努力造人, 試左半年都無, 我想去check, 但好多人都話我太心急 :-| 不過我無理, 去左check, check到而家27歲都仲未有


積分: 31627

發表於 07-1-3 17:51 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?



積分: 1470

發表於 07-1-3 18:08 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

A year ago, I undergone the same situation as yours. (was studying my master degree, age 27, husband age 35). I keep trying to get pregnant...until now, i still not bingo yet. I grad last summer already~~當時仲怕大住肚讀書好辛苦, 諗餐飽, 點知原來諗黎都無謂

有時人算不如天算, 邊有一樣接一樣咁完美? 生BB有時係緣份


積分: 76

發表於 07-1-5 04:26 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

I'm so touch by all of your support!!! I think 27 is a good age to try to get pregnant because this process can take years... I think I'll trying in May because I want to have a Pig baby! haha! I wish all of you will get pregnant successfully this year and have a healthy baby!!


積分: 3404

發表於 07-1-5 17:29 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?


you're welcome ar...but if you'll trying in May, you won't be able to have a Pig baby wor...


積分: 329

發表於 07-1-5 17:42 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

我依家都係讀緊part time master degree, 依家已經week 19, 仲要工, 又要做assignment, 又要每三個月去考試, 應付到架, pregnant基本上同studying無contradiction. 努力啦, both造人and 讀書.


積分: 41868


發表於 07-1-5 18:29 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

hi, 我想同你share下呀, 第一我想講你5月先開始做人係生老鼠bb唔係豬bb, 豬應該要4月前有bb呀. 另外就係, 我依家陀左bb7個幾月啦, 不過我自己都有個polyu既high dip course係岩岩既12月先讀完, 好坦白講, 我自己就覺得好辛苦羅.

我覺得要睇返你本身身體點樣, 再配合你個course係讀得辛苦o個d, 定係唔辛苦o個d先羅, 或者你覺得我讀一個high dip會有幾辛苦呀, 但我不嬲都係成績好o個批, 我接受唔到是旦拎個pass返黎架, 結果就陀住個bb由6月一路頂到12月, 頭3個月真係極度非常眼訓, 攪到我8月頭既exam都真係失準左d, 差少少先拎到我expect既成績羅, 仲有我6wks時有一日(星期一黎架)d白帶有少少啡, 我知自己作小產, 作小產一定要訓床家麻, 但後日(星期三)我要交份project呀, 好彩屋企有個無線keyboard, 結果就將個電腦推埋張床隔離, 訓在床上一路做, 做了星期一整個晚上, 攬住個keyboard訓著左, 係老公幫我關機的(頭3個月實在太眼訓了), 仲有星期二全日無返工又係訓在床上繼續做, 我大概記得當晚8點做完了, 星期三拎返學校交, 好彩既係, 訓左2日一直無再流啡了.

到18週我去做產檢, 醫生check到我高血壓, 佢想我盡快入院, 但我下一個星期二要test呀, 我就推左醫生, 話下星期4先入因為我無時間, 醫生雖然唔太想但都由得我啦, 結果挨到星期4入院了, 其實我聽日星期5要交一份1500字既literture review, 結果我帶晒幾份 journals 入院, 入到院就做summary, 嚇死d醫生同姑娘羅. 到夜晚醫生想我星期5先出院, 我見自己血壓正常返, 6pm係咁話要走, 好彩醫生比我走, 我就返屋企睇journals睇到凌晨3點幾, 第日9am返到公司即狂做個summary, 當日下午3點鐘完成交埋.

到11月尾12月頭趕交project, 晚晚做到2-3am先訓, 第日又8am起床返工, 我算好慶幸既係呢段時間唔太眼訓, 如果一路都好似之前o個3個月咁樣我死得架喇.

懷孕期好多野根本唔到你去control, 我本身都係身體好好既人, 好少病痛, 冬天又唔駛要著好多衫, 但都face到以上咁多問題羅. 我o個陣都會諗可能唔係一次就有bb呢, 而且我覺得自己不嬲都鐵人咁架啦, 怕咩喎, 有左咪一路讀一路陀羅, 但去到o個個時候根本身不由己羅. 有時msn同d fd講起, 呻自己辛苦, 有d人仲驚你唔死咁話, 有幾辛苦呀, 係咁架啦, 呢d真係有苦自己知, 好彩老公明白我又體諒我, 唔係我已經顛左啦.

我唔會suggest你依家生唔生, 因為估計唔到你會好快有bb定係要試好耐先有, 當然我唔希望你要試好耐因為真係好痛苦, 但如果你真係決定同步進行, 就要比d心理準備有可能遇到d無諗過會發生既問題, 或者會更complicated都未定, 祝你好運, 一切順利.

補充多句, 我雖然呢7個月陀住又讀書係真係辛苦, 不過我無後悔過的, 挨既時候係好辛苦, 依家睇返又覺得慳左d時間都係好既咁羅, 而且我面對既問題都唔算嚴重啦, 係咪? 比我一關一關咁過到, 上天對我不錯的了.
希望每天開心渡過 ;-)


積分: 689

發表於 07-1-5 21:41 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?



積分: 1536

發表於 07-1-5 21:50 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

27歲都唔係早, 不過要讀書就吃力的囉!


積分: 76

發表於 07-1-9 01:11 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

True,...Thanks for all of your support sand replies!! True, it would be a Mouse BB rather than a Pig BB.... I prefer a Pig BB... Do you all prefer the year of a Pig more than the year of Mouse? Hehe..
The Master degree that I'm taking is very time-consuming and under alot of pressure, my body is ok but not that super healthy with cold hands and feets all the time so I'm thinking about taking a 9 months off if I got pregnant and I think I'll try to get pregnant in July after I have completed some hard courses. I always postpone, however, my friends keep asking me to get pregnant now becuase it's not easy for them (they are my husbands' friends, mid-thirties), I hope I wouldn't regret and can get pregnant quickly like Cecilia Cheung! haha!!! and I wish all of you will get pregnant quickly like her!


積分: 76

發表於 07-1-9 01:13 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?

Thanks Jessy! you're superb! I don't think I can handle both at the same time with my "ok only" body. I think I'll wait another 6 months and get pregnant since I want to finish some hard courses first and take a 9 months off... I wish you a very happy pregnancy!


積分: 3404

發表於 07-1-9 04:03 |只看該作者

Re: Am I too young?


Happy to hear what you've decided ar..Good for you and your hubby ar...so happy for you.....


