My bb was born at 31 weeks and he vomits at least one time a day after going home... any suggestion to ease this? :-( I use Nuk milk bottle and he drinks 2oz only and use around 20mins to finish it.
How old is your bb?
My daughter had the same problem when she was few-days-old.She vomited 4-5 times a day!
My sister-in-law told me to change the milk powder (from A+ to S26)
I listened to her (without asking the doctor/nurse)and I also changed the milk bottle (from fat NUK to pigeon)
After two days, all vomit stopped.
I don't know if it's the problem with the milk powder/milk bottle.
But later I talked to the nurse and she told me that S26 is much thicker than A+ , that means it can go down to the baby's stomach easier and perhaps it can help to stop the vomit.
I hope it may help you , if you have any other questions ,you can pm me .
Gigikiwi 寫道:
My bb was born at 31 weeks and he vomits at least one time a day after going home... any suggestion to ease this? :-( I use Nuk milk bottle and he drinks 2oz only and use around 20mins to finish it.
I brought him to see doctor yesterday and doc said he has 痰 inside his throat, so he vomits so frequently wor (especially when the weather is not good, cold then warm then low humidity). I don't know if this can ease him or not, if not, then I will consider to change the milk powder. But he is perm baby so not sure is it good to change his milk now