Hi there, yes you can bring mushroom to NZ but you need to make sure the bad is clean, otherwise they will take it from you.
In fact, you should buy as many things as you can in HK, coz everything in NZ is expensive. Such as "TEMPO" tissues, Woman's "AUNTIE PAD",...just buy more necessary things in HK.
When will you move to NZ? Will you be living in Auckland? I have been living in NZ for more than 15 years...but just moved to Melbourne 1 month ago.
Anyway, just come to BK when you have anymore question.
for the milk powders...um...it depends...NZ never allow people to bring anything which relates to MILK, but if its some milk powders for babies....I don't know, you might need to find the answer from the internet.
Well...for the living standard, of course HK is much cheaper than Auck...especially for the everyday necessary things...you think think, the price is 5 times more than HK woh....
For kids...quite good eviroment for them to grow up...especially for the education, coz we usually learn things through playing games. No homework, very less test.....
So what kind of the job does your husband find? Did he study or live in Auck before?
Hello QYim:
Nice to meet you! Realised that this topic has been posted for a while and you might already in NZ at the time I reply.
Anyhow, welcome to NZ. I don't think you need to take any milk powder into NZ, firstly it is not allow to bring into NZ, secondly, it is LOTS cheaper than in HK; I've only heard people bringing milk powder back to HK as gift to friends/family.
Anything we could help you with, please let us know. Cheers~