1. Blindfold Drawing
2 large cardboard papers, 2 blindfolds, a few felt pens, tapes, horizontal surface e.g. wall/door
How to:
Divide kids into 2 teams. Draw a circle (as the head) on each cardboard paper. The 2 team members take turn and draw the features, hair, cloths and limbs etc blindfold. The team draws fast and pretty wins.
2. Balloon catch
a few air balloons
How to:
Each kid is assigned a number. Toss the balloon and called out any number before the balloon falls to the ground. The one being called has to toss again and called the next number. The one who let the balloon touches the ground loses.
3. Pass the orange
a few oranges
How to:
Divide kids into 2 teams. Pass the orange to the next one on the line using only the chin and neck. The team who first finished passing to the last one wins.
4. Chinese whispers
long sentences
- 文文同明明嚮涼亭睇風景
- 爸爸同我講去間房攞波板糖
- 太陽伯伯請客去食燒乳鴿
- 小羊腳長長同小象一齊唱歌又拍掌
- 大紅花喇叭花勤力讀書頂瓜瓜
- 媽媽帶我去搭小巴買花送比住係山卡拉個姨媽
How to:
The host will whisper the sentence to the first kid, and whispered on to the next kid, and the sentences will become funny when passed on to the last kid.
5. Animal Guess
How to:
One kid pretends to be an animal and make movements, the rest of the kids guess and the correct one wins.
6. Who’s got the button
Equipment: buttons
How to:
A button is hidden inside a kid’s hands. The rest of the kids also pretend that they have a button in their hands. The playing kid has to guess which kid has the button. He/She can have 3 attempts.
7. Memory
How to:
The first kid says “生日會我鍾意食蛋糕”, then the next kid adds the next food: “生日會我鍾意食蛋糕 , 糖果…” and so on. The one who can not remember all the previous food and add on loses.