




積分: 82

發表於 07-1-28 11:55 |只看該作者

miffymiffy & pollybell, pls help ... urgent!

Hi miffymiffy, pollybell & others,

I read from the messages and understand that you guys are pretty much an expert in this area and wonder if you could kindly help me on my big question mark:

I had a miscarriage about 5 months ago, I was 5-week pregnant then and bb heart beat had not developed yet at the time of my miscarriage. I woke up one morning and suddenly felt that my breasts and abdomen were no longer tight (ie. the signs of pregnancy were gone all of a sudden). As there was no bleeding, I waited for 2 more days until my scheduled appointment with the doctor was due. It was that day (when I saw the doctor) that bleeding started and it was confirmed to be a miscarriage ultimately.

This month, I am trying to conceive again. About 7 days after my ovaluation, I felt that my breasts were unusually tight that upset my sleeping a bit too. The discharge was kind of sticky (just like my previous pregnancy experience). But that lasted for only 2 days, and when I woke up one morning, the same thing happened again. I did not feel the slightly painful and tight breasts anymore, and no more sticky discharge either.

I was very disappointed then, and knew that I was probably experiencing the same thing like my last miscarriage. But the lucky thing is that it was still very early and I did not have a positive result in the pregnancy test. Today, my period has arrived and it is my Day 1 again!!!

It is actually much better this time cos' it is not a miscarraige and it probably would not hurt my body much. But my BIG BIG question mark is why it is happening, and I am afraid that it will happen again in my future attempted conceptions and miscarriage will eventually happen again.

I think there is some problem with the implantation process. Does anyone know why??? And what I can do to minimise the problem???

Many thanks!


積分: 131722

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章 親子達人勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 07-1-28 12:04 |只看該作者

Re: miffymiffy & pollybell, pls help ... urgent!

你放鬆D啦, 排卵後7日, 個胸脹痛有分泌, 呢D都係幾正常既野. 可能係因為你呢個月計劃開始, 所以會特別留意.

小X 呢樣野, 其實真係好普遍, 醫生都搵唔到係咩原因, 係屬於生物/大自然淘汱的一種. 唔需要咁介懷. 唔到我地自己去控制. 好好保重身體, 注意健康就可以

呢度都有bk sisters 講過, 佢地本身/親人係醫院度做護士, 都有講小X 係每 10個人裏面, 會有 1,2 個發生. 分分鐘你既朋友/親人都試過, 只不過佢地沒有過3個月所以沒說出來.

唔好放棄, 呢度有句金句 " 只有子宮在, 那怕沒B 生~~"

加油呀, 大家都努力緊


積分: 14001

發表於 07-1-28 13:01 |只看該作者

Re: miffymiffy & pollybell, pls help ... urgent!




wahoo 寫道:
Hi miffymiffy, pollybell & others,

I read from the messages and understand that you guys are pretty much an expert in this area and wonder if you could kindly help me on my big question mark:

I had a miscarriage about 5 months ago, I was 5-week pregnant then and bb heart beat had not developed yet at the time of my miscarriage. I woke up one morning and suddenly felt that my breasts and abdomen were no longer tight (ie. the signs of pregnancy were gone all of a sudden). As there was no bleeding, I waited for 2 more days until my scheduled appointment with the doctor was due. It was that day (when I saw the doctor) that bleeding started and it was confirmed to be a miscarriage ultimately.

This month, I am trying to conceive again. About 7 days after my ovaluation, I felt that my breasts were unusually tight that upset my sleeping a bit too. The discharge was kind of sticky (just like my previous pregnancy experience). But that lasted for only 2 days, and when I woke up one morning, the same thing happened again. I did not feel the slightly painful and tight breasts anymore, and no more sticky discharge either.

I was very disappointed then, and knew that I was probably experiencing the same thing like my last miscarriage. But the lucky thing is that it was still very early and I did not have a positive result in the pregnancy test. Today, my period has arrived and it is my Day 1 again!!!

It is actually much better this time cos' it is not a miscarraige and it probably would not hurt my body much. But my BIG BIG question mark is why it is happening, and I am afraid that it will happen again in my future attempted conceptions and miscarriage will eventually happen again.

I think there is some problem with the implantation process. Does anyone know why??? And what I can do to minimise the problem???

Many thanks!


積分: 82

發表於 07-1-28 15:28 |只看該作者

Re: miffymiffy & pollybell, pls help ... urgent!

THANK YOU so much for the prompt reply, miffymiffy and pollybell!!! It is very useful and has cleared up my mind. Thanks!!

I never had any signs before my period in the past 20+ years. Pregnancy was the only time I had tight breasts and abdomen, that's probably why I had thought too much and related sooo many things together. I had this big question because I wanted to find out if I really have a medical problem which should be cured before my next cycle.

I have measured my basal temperature for 1-2 months. I generally have a very low temperature range because I am always a "cold" person with cold hands and feet. But I still noticed some peaks and troughs in the temperature. My temperature went higher than the temperature on the ovaluation day for around 13-14 days before it dropped again. Does it mean that I probably don't have any problem with the 黃體素?

I also happened to have a female routine checkup a few days before my ovaluation day this month, and the doctor told me that my uterus had a very nice 3-line (or 3-layer???). She said that it is an indication that 黃體素 should not be a problem. Was she right in saying this?

Sorry for my long question!

Sigh .... frankly, I never knew that conceiving a baby is this hard. Now, I can truly understand the stress and the feelings of those who have been conceiving for a long time ... cos' I am becoming one of them now. It is not a great feeling at all :-(


