not necessarily, unless yr agent is v good n helpful! otherwise just ensure u pay her everything n ask her to sign all the documents n send it to the immigration dept.
其實最好帶佢返agent,等agent安排我地簽哂d文件,免得第日佢為左要stay longer time 而走去告妳!
agent 會prepear standard doc. for us to sign, when we finished to sign all the doc, agent 重另外要bun-bun簽埋對顧主在工作期間有冇不滿/投訴........以防佢第日找理由告妳!
Agree, but I've heard a maid run away from taxi. So be careful!
ac321 寫道:
其實最好帶佢返agent,等agent安排我地簽哂d文件,免得第日佢為左要stay longer time 而走去告妳!
agent 會prepear standard doc. for us to sign, when we finished to sign all the doc, agent 重另外要bun-bun簽埋對顧主在工作期間有冇不滿/投訴........以防佢第日找理由告妳!