luitaitai 寫道:
我都贊成ssassa的講法,將來佢地有咩事都有照應, 有商有量。我屋企有四兄弟姊妹。我先生有九兄弟姊妹。雖然唔係個個都咁親,但一個有事,個個都會幫。真係唔講得笑。[quote]
ssassa 寫道:
我未生之前已經係咁諗, 所以一係唔生, 一生就要生2個, 將來佢地有咩事都有照應, 有商有量麻~![]()
Joshua_BB 寫道:
My husband and I have been struggled for a long time whether we should have another one. At the end, both of us look at our baby son, and think we don't want him to be so alone. Both of us will get older and older, and one day we will die. We should give him an companion, brother or sister, that, no matter what happens, he still has someone close to support and talk to.
Cousin is still cousin. They will never be as close as brother and sister.
So, after working on "baby making" for a while. I finally get pregnant again.