cos my friend also have thta problem ,then she also want to remove .so this sunday ,she go to one company of talk show .that talk about that ka,so if u interest u can pm to me then i can give one free ticket for you ka~
that talk show have free give ka.and now i just few tickets ,so if any mum also want ,can pm to me ka~i can mail for all .
hello你好! 其實 rf 係咪即係電波拉皮呢? 你唔好介意呀…我上過 d 台灣網討論區,佢地話呢種係用高温類似燙傷皮膚而刺激生更高骨膠原的原理,咁樣催谷之下,皮膚當然會靚,但係兩三年後皮膚會比正常之時更加老化!(好驚!) 至於做完以後的人︰有 d 人又話做左之後完全無效 tim,另一 d 就話要二,三個月後皮膚才見越來越 firm,所以我好多疑慮呀!