Re: 餵母乳教師
Hi ammy220,
My friend is a teacher, it is very encouraging that she insisted to maintain breastfeeding until 15 months of BB.
Some advices which you may consider are as follows:
1. Direct breastfeeding since BB birth is the most effective to stimulate 上奶.
No need to pump & difficult to be pumped out.
BB's mouth & sucking action is the Best!
In fact, our colostrum(golden milk), even little amount, but is surely enough for new born BB. Hence, no need to give formula before 上奶.
a. Trying to breastfeed directly & pump clearly your breasts before going to work in the early morning.
b. Pumping both sides breasts at the same time at least once at work(for keeping milk supply & store some milk as next day use).
c. Direct breastfeeding BB once back home after work & during holiday.
d. Pump clearly your breasts before going to bed at night.
Aboved practice can helps you to maintain better milk supply & breastfeeding for long time.
No need to be bothered by others' negative response towards your breastfeeding, especially for some colleaques.
Because in order to give the best & natural mama milk for our darling BB, we are willing to bear some troubles for pumping milk at office with a very short gap time!
Support You!!
Hayes mama
Hayes had been breastfeeding for almost 3 years, then naturally weaned by himself!
Wish Hayes with Love, Peace & Joy!!