who is AB and who is O??
但如果mama係O,daddy係AB,咁阿b係A or B
O型人會有anti-A同anti-B, 但有d人會有超級多嘅anti-A/B
當bb仲响mama個肚,d anti-A同anti-B會入到bb到,少量嘅話bb可能黃d,要照燈 (因為d antibody 打紅血球,放出黃膽素~呢隻嘢會俾光分解)
但如果d antibody好多,黃膽素積蓄..特別是初生b腦部..it's ttoo late already!
by the way, this kind of things would not happen in HK..
as far as I know, all baby deliver in private hosptal, they will check bb's blood type and G6PD, thyroid hormone etc.. using the cord blood immediately after birth
the blood typing picture is funny (abnormally strange) for such baby..
and immediate investigation will shown the problem and blood transfusion can be done immediately!