I think even in HK is not that common to store the core blood as it is not cheap. Again, the money is my main concern and I just dont have that money to spare. Even I have, I prepare to buy something for the baby.
I heard that it is not that useful for storing the cord blood unless your family has a history of some diease, forgot what is it, which requires you to change all the blood.
A few of my friends did look into getting a cord blood bank. One signed up because she thinks that is just buying an insurance. Price varies depending on companies.
Many of them didn't go for it because some research say it may be useful for a little child because the amount of cord blood won't be enough for an adult. You can store it up to 18 years. Right now the technology has only limited usage on the cord blood.
If you have a family history of blood problem, you may consider that as insurance.
I did it for both my girls. Just an insurance.
My elder daughter did it with Insception Biosciences, which acquired the Toronto Cord Blood Program from Mount Sinai Hospital.
For my second daughter, I did it with Progenics which was headed by Dr. Paul Shuen.
I chose these because they have tight integration with North York General Hospital and I did not have to pay any courier fees at the time.