



積分: 240

發表於 07-2-21 22:02 |只看該作者

Study in Singapore

Since my hubby is going to move to Singapore in this summer, I am now very worried about choosing school for my son who is 9 years old. He is now studying P4 local chinese school in HK. If I put him in S'pore local school, people say he needs to be downgrade 1 or 2because the english standard is high there. If I put him in international school, I have no idea which one is suitable. Can any moms here share some experience with me?



積分: 2970


發表於 07-2-21 22:42 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore


有個朋友同妳情況差唔多,佢個囡亦係從hk0黎到讀local小學,但佢地就堅持唔比個囡downgrade ,所以好努力0甘幫個囡追lee邊既程度,如果想個囝唔downgrade其實都好睇你地點幫佢0架。至於國際學校,lee邊有唔少間,妳可以上網check 0下資料。


積分: 70

發表於 07-2-22 04:23 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore

你個仔現在 p.4, 咁今年9 月在 HK就應該升 p. 5. 但 singapore 係1月開課, 即 08 年1月就讀 p.5. 但呢度 P. 6 要考 PSLE.
其實你有 2 條路. 一是現在準備. 即在呢度買晒 P. 4 的書. (其實只得 4 科 , 中, 英, 數和 science). HK 的中,數 的 standard 好高, 所以你仔仔一定沒有問題. 最担心是 eng & science. 但 science 呢度小三, 小四才開始讀, 內容同 hk 的常識差不多, 只係全部 english. 你現在開始做練習,我相信, 一定沒問題. 因為呢度的 PSLE 課程, 都是 P. 4 開始. (即 3 年讀晒) 如你現在開始, 其實都沒有分別, (都有 2 年10個月由現在開始計) 只係現在比較 remote. 即在 hk 自己教. 如果你今年 summer 過來, 睇吓可否插班 p. 4. (早得半年, 就半年讀, 因為要適應期), 如果沒有得插班, 就要 08 年1月才讀 p. 5. 第二條路就是入 international school 讀, 2 年後, 才直接考返呢度中學.(skip 咗 PSLE). 我估呢條路比較舒服. 但學費當然要貴些.
不如講講我囡囡過來讀書的情況給大家分享(long story). 在 04 年, 我才打算女兒過來讀書, 當時囡囡在hk local school 讀緊 p. 5. 如 05 年過來就應該讀 p. 6. 但在 singapore 所有 p.6 是不淮插班, 因為要考 PSLE. 所以, 我一係就要 down-grade 1 or 2. 但我不想. 所以我等女兒在 HK 讀完 P.6. 才過來讀中一.
我當時打去 singapore 領事館問呢度升學情況. 佢地話有 assigned agent. 叫我打去問. 點知一打去, 佢地首先話 agent fee 要 hk$18000, 然後話我女兒多數要 down-grade 1 or 2. 如果不想, 可以預先半年過來讀 special course (3個月要萬幾銀, forget exact price) 來考那個 乜乜試 (呢個試有30 幾間中學承認), 取了呢個成績, 就可以報讀呢30幾間的中學, 但不是一定收, 只係呢 30 幾間中學承認.
我當時沒有用呢間 agent, 第一覺得 agent fee 太貴, 連埋 course 要駛成三萬幾, 第二, 那 30 幾間中學, 又未必係我想要那間. 因為他們沒有講邊 30 間中學. (而 singapore 有佰幾間中學, 真不知呢 30 幾間中學排第幾).
所以我就在 05 年中, 自己上綱 search 晒呢度 top 30 的中學, 由 hk 直接寄信去 apply. interview 咗大概10 間, 好彩就有 2 間收咗. 所以我女兒算是 lucky. 跟住再有通知, 我都沒有再 in 了, 因為女兒唔想. 那 05 年9月,就提早 3 個月過來, 在呢度補習. 預備 06年1 月升 F. 1.
我女兒不是英文好, 只是 lucky. 因為由 05年開始, 星加坡中學收生, 可以 under 一個 new admission system. 名叫 DSA (Direct Scheme of Admission), 它們 recognise special talent e.g. music, dance, sport, drama. 我女兒考咗英國皇家芭蕾舞 grade 5 而入到.
女兒在這裡, 讀了1年多, 現在 F.2. 佢話她有個同學, 係由北京來, 她在北京讀完 P.6. 過來 down-grade 2. 即讀 p. 5. 跟住就直接升 Form 1. 即 skip 咗 P.6, 沒有考 PSLE. 我真不知她用什麼方法, 可以 skip 咗 PSLE. 但原來係有 case 係可以行得通. 你可以打聽吓.
真係有太多野講, 講不晒, 如有問題, 可以再問我, 希望對你有幫助啦


積分: 1075

發表於 07-2-22 11:15 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore


不用擔心,幸好妳個仔是讀四年班, 如果讀5年班就可能要downgrade了, 原因是好的學校為了要保持好的record,不會輕易收5年班後的插班生.

我個女在新加坡國際讀5年班,由於之前沒有中學, 在她4年班暑假帶她去新加坡考獎學金試(在香港申請), 如果考到,政府會安排一間學校比佢...同時考的有另一個由香港local4年班過去的,佢父母早一個月過去,買了science的書同佢補,在考獎學金試前已直接考入了一間新加坡的local學校,雖然不是名校,但她爸爸已很開心,在我們離開新加坡時,她讀中三的家姐尚未找到學校. 她daddy回港辭工後就會整家整家移民新加坡..

考獎學金不是一個好方法,20分鐘考60題推理的multiple choice,我個女只能完成50多題...以前個試場在香港的新加坡國際,要考差不多全日,機會就大d..

所以妳現在可以先鎖定一些學校,男校我比較少留意,只知道華中是名校,識人在henry park讀,好似都不錯;engo-chinese international應是唯一的政府國際學校,有寄宿,香港的新加坡國際可以直升;女校就知道raffles girls是名校,我個女在那裡讀了2星期,她甚是喜歡;nanyang girls當然都越來越受歡迎,local nanayang是女校,寄宿是男女校...

當妳鎖定學校後,到moe網站download direct application的form直接寄去,有考試機會就飛過去考試,考試之前可以去新加坡國際的書店買一set4年班的課本加補充練習,好平的,先比妳個女練下先,特別是science和數學,science可以靠記,但數學通常是problem solving和用model的方法計,可能要少少時間適應!


yanng 寫道:
Since my hubby is going to move to Singapore in this summer, I am now very worried about choosing school for my son who is 9 years old. He is now studying P4 local chinese school in HK. If I put him in S'pore local school, people say he needs to be downgrade 1 or 2because the english standard is high there. If I put him in international school, I have no idea which one is suitable. Can any moms here share some experience with me?


積分: 240

發表於 07-2-22 11:44 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore

好多謝各位意見, 我在網上搜尋了很多新加坡forum, 都找不到過內人的意見, 我真系好多謝你們.
I also have thought that let my son study about 2 years international school to finish his primary first and then apply local secondary school. But I hve several questions :
1. I search several international school, people say United World College is the best but the school fee is really high and I am not sure if they compose of so many native speakers or not.My son is not socialable and is quite quiet. I wonder if this is suitable to him or not.

2. The other one called ISS international school. They say that they hv 30 nationalities. But if the student is not native, they have to go to ESCL course and which clash with the Mandarin lesson.
Also this international school only has 600 students across from K1 to G13.
3. Local school concern : People say that the local school is very competitive. The parent have to bring the kids to do many many supplementary exercise and attend many courses. One of my friend who gave me the English question paper (P5 level) which is really difficult. Like HK secondary 1 or 2 level. My son is the type that doesn't like to write and read much. I wonder if he can adapt to this environment.
Frankly I once talked to my son about our move. He nearly cries for two reasons :
1. he doen't want to leave from his primary school.
2. he is afraid to be downgrade (he told me that usually 插班生 need to be downgraded.

Therefore, I am torn between to choose which types of school for him.

I also got a daughter at 4 1/2 years old. I also need to seek your mother's advice on kindergarten. But the first important of all is to settle my son's school first.



積分: 70

發表於 07-2-22 13:12 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore

你的情況, 同我差不多. 當時我女兒讀中一, 而仔 5 歲, 就過來讀 K1.
我想話呢度升 local 小學, 有個叫做 1 kilometer rule, 即由你屋企的 1 kilometer 範圍內的小學, 有優先權入. 而你的地址, 要在你孩子申請入學時起計, 半年前要登記.
另外, 你又可以到你心目中那間小學做義功 30 小時, 咁又會有 priority 入.
所以, 你將來選住屋, 都係關係到女兒的學校.
just for your info, 希望對你有用.
p.s. 我下星期二返港 5 日, 你要不要買書, 如果要, 可以幫你買.


積分: 240

發表於 07-2-22 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore


如果你唔怕麻煩, 請你幫我買一set, 即中, 英,數,常;
I leave my contact to your pm.

Today I receive the reply from UWC that they have a long wait list and it is very difficult to get into this school. So now I have to narrow down my choice.



積分: 70

發表於 07-2-23 02:04 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore


無問題, 我星期六去 popular 幫你買一 set.

重有, 我有 popular member card, 有 discount. (sometime, 10% or 5% off)

原來 popular membership card, 在呢度申請要 sg$10/yr. 但在 hk apply 就平好多. 第一年 hk$20, 之後就每年 hk$15. 所以我將 card 在香港取的.

我返到 hk, 才打電話給你.


積分: 240

發表於 07-2-23 11:30 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore




積分: 73214

醒目開學勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 07-5-2 22:35 |只看該作者

Re: Study in Singapore

May I have a list of the top 30 的中學?

四葉草 寫道:
自己上綱 search 晒呢度 top 30 的中學, 由 hk 直接寄信去 apply.


