bowling2004 寫道:
係囉! 美國冇得賣avent架喎! 美國反而主要賣gerber同埋playtex。 [quote]
fungwongphie 寫道:
Actually, I don't quite understand......Avent is made in England why the radio said the problem bottles are made in USA ??
報告作者、加州環境(Environment California)組織律師吉布森(Rachel Gibson)表示,由一間獨立實驗室和加州環境研究政策中心(Environment California Research and Policy Center)所進行的研究顯示,用來制造透明塑膠的化學物品(如消耗性物品和奶瓶)的丙二酚(Bisphenol A),在該容器使用過程中會滲入溶液當中。
lancome115 寫道:
我都用緊Dr.Borwns啊 ~!! :-( 用緊6大2細樽 ....... 仲有3大2細未用過 !!! 打去代理有話線路繁忙,再打去竟然話未容量留言喎 ~~!!!!! 但我對上係Sogo買的6大4細係Made in China , 但上2星期係西田買的係made in USA !!!!
991129 寫道:
bowling2004 寫道:
係囉! 美國冇得賣avent架喎! 美國反而主要賣gerber同埋playtex。 [quote]
fungwongphie 寫道:
Actually, I don't quite understand......Avent is made in England why the radio said the problem bottles are made in USA ??