你哋 ah B like ng like watch DWE ya? 我
發現我ah 仔好似對DWE 冇セ興趣......只會坐定定看一會, 一張disk都睇唔晒. 但其它嘢......baby einstein, elmo, noddy 可以睇好耐. 我原本想買套mini set 比佢, 咁係未應該save my $$ 呢?
I suggest if you want to buy, just buy la. If over 1.5 year old, I think it's not worth to buy.
I also bought the Minnie set. Although thye seems that they don't see the main program, they actually listen and will use it in future. So don't delay your decision. If I can, should buy it when baby born tim. Use for longer time ar ma. Before I also like you to think for several months.