Yes, but need some time to get us to being sleeping alone.
Since my son is easily wake up even when very young. When I train him to sleep alone is quite hard for me.
When I decided not to renew with my ex-bun, 1st I need to train my son to sleep alone, so when he's 3 1/2 years I start my move. first a new bed, before we use子母床' and my maid stay with him. when he didn't know that Autie didn't stay with him at night, he can sleep well but when he knew nobody stay with him, he woke up and cried all the time.
The worst time is I must woke up 3 or 4 times. When I soothed him and he finally slept, I went back to bed and then before I could laid down he cried again and this repeated for a few months. Of course it get better and better.
once he get use to it, he sleep better in his own bed than with us.
And I make a deal with him to make this more acceptable to him, I let him stay in our bed every weekend. So he will ask that how many more nights he sleep alone then he can stay with us for 1 night. That make the weekdays more acceptable.
my daughter started sleeping in her own room since she was 1.5 yrs old. At first I'll have to sleep w/her on the bed but after she fell asleep, I'll move back to my own room. Of couse she will wake up and cry at the beginning but now even if she wakes up in the middle of the nite, she will just walk into my room and ask me to give her a bottle of water or somehting. She doesn't like to sleep in our room anymore now