Re: 救命!塞左!
aggie_to形容得好好. 我阿b 現在3個半月,我仍然有一舊舊, 餵長點時間,意思是就算每日一餐,但餵一年都好過每天餵三餐但只餵三個月, 每次埋身餵完,都用手jit 番啲舊舊,慢慢會好啲,雖然話最好盡快清咗佢,但我都覺得好難, 我有一日用咗成個下午jit 佢哋出來, 鬆咗好多,啲奶都出得好啲,努力 !
if not clear inside, its no good for long run.
aggie_to 寫道:
yan&longma 寫道:
啱啱俾呀仔食完,佢食到發皮氣,又咬我,搞到我都發晒皮氣,最後佢可能太累,睡着了。 :cry: 我覺得佢應該未飽囉!
You should try to squeeze out the milk by hand after feeding your bb. If it's too painful just by squeezing, then you can try pushing the "一舊舊" at the base, towards the nipple, very very slowly, mm by mm, then the cheese-like old milk shoud be able to come out... [/quote]