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Cambridge Storybooks Audio CDs Level 4 (Total 18books+2CDs)
1. A Welsh Lamb
2. The Dog Show
3. The Peace Ring
4. The Amazing Mr Mulch
5. Coyote Girl
6. The Big Shrink (Play)
7. The Weather Drum
8. The Special Cake
9. The Watch by the Sea
10. The Cape of Rushes
11. The Slippery Planet
12. Coyote Girl (Play)
13. A Cat for Tom
14. The Pyjama Party
15. The Lord Mount Dragon
16. The Magic Sword
17. Snow in the Kitchen
18. The Pyjama Party (Play)
近乎全新, 冇花, 特價 $1200/ 18本+1cd, 不設散買, 可到書店查價, 絕對超值, 地鐵沿線, 現金交收. 謝謝
CD 靚聲錄音, 故事簡單易明, 合適小學同學閱讀
Cambridge Storybooks Audio CDs Level 3 (Total 18books+2CDs)
1. When Dad Goes Fishing
2. Well Done, Sam !
3. The Flying Football
4. Sleep Tight
5. Dancing to the River
6. The Little Red Hen (Play)
7. The Chinese New Year
8. Sam's Café
9. Please Sit Still
10. Nibbles
11. Ben's Amazing Birthday
12. The Story of Running Water (Play)
13. Nishal's Box
14. The Animal Wrestlers
15. We're Going on a Picnic
16. Who's Stealing the Fish?
17. Apples
18. The Lion and the Mouse (Play)
近乎全新, 冇花, 特價 $1200/ 18本+1cd, 不設散買, 可到書店查價, 絕對超值, 地鐵沿線, 現金交收. 謝謝
CD 靚聲錄音, 故事簡單易明, 合適小學同學閱讀