I can tell u that I have hired a bun un to take care my 8 months son...she is now working in my home for less than 3 months...but....she is not good...she does not like baby/child actually, no heart la...
So, finally I hired Indo maid who can only speak Cantonese...But I think It is ok as my son is only 11 months....and my main concern is the maid must be with heart and likes baby/child.....(not sure if this maid is ok r not as just signed contract and is waitg visa approval.
I am also looking for a maid to take my 18 months boy. I have hired 2 yan yan (overseas) before. Now, consider bun bun (local, can interview ma).
Because, in my cases, yan yan are really stupid, and difficult to communicate (becos she can't speak in Cantonese and very bad english) Besides, not good hygiene, very careless, very stubborn, inactive, only listen but not think, sometimes, not listen tim, it all makes me so worry to let them take care of my baby alone. In case of anything happen, i am sure they don't know how to handle.
So, before i was married, my family was hiring bun bun, they are much smart and at least normal english law, I don't want my baby to learn awful english from yan yan.
As our babies will live with he maid most of their time, they will copy from them, so, maid's role is really important to their development.