Re: 教我有BB!
You can go to Mannings or Watson's to buy a "Terumo"電子探熱針". It is a very sensitive 探熱針, there are two digits after the decimal place (2小數位), much more sensitive than normal one. You cannot use normal oral or ear 電子探熱針.
From the first day of your period, check your temp every morning once you wake up, don't leave your bed, put the 探熱針 inside your mouth for 5 mins, mark down your temp daily, you should see whether you have ovulated排卵 or not, you can read the instruction of the 探熱針, it is very clear.
You should dodo before 排卵, not after or when you are 排卵, because egg can only lives for 24 hrs, but sperms can live for a few days.
Good luck to you!
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