Jasmine-4711 寫道:
If it is only for 1 year, fame does not really matter. Personally, we will not consider蘇浙 as we plan to have our b study at 衛理堂 from N1 to P6, that is if the school accepts him.
Learning a 3rd language will be tough on a 2 year old. I will suggest to go with 衛理堂 and add some training courses/English playgroups if u intend to apply to a famous kindergarten. Even if the famous one does not accept u, u can stick with 衛理堂 for primary school (govt subsidized), whereas蘇浙 primary does not have govt funding.
tazmanic 寫道:
2間我都會比阿仔去考k1。不過本身prefer 蘇浙因為會嚴d。 細個時嚴d又可以係一個講普通話環境大, 到佢大個時無咁辛苦。上小學再睇派位
如果唔想小一時小朋友(家長)太多功課壓力, 衛理堂係一間幾好選擇。因為小學唔使點做功課 又唔使煩搵學校