kitman_bb 寫道:
i have fixed the feeding time schedule for the bb, the last round must be done at 1100 pm
she usu. wake up at 0600 am -- feed milk after that she will play a while and then sleep again
she then wake up at 1000 a.m and i feed her milk at 1030, if she doesnt wake up before 1030, i will wake up her at 1100
then every 4 hours, i will feed her milk.
1030 or 1100,
1430 or 1500,
1830 or 1900,
2230 or 2300
5.5 oz @
MomAC 寫道:
How old is your baby? My baby is 3 month and one week now (birth on 2/2).
She can't sleep that long ar. If he finish the last milk at 12:00, he will wake up at 6:00 am.
I don't know how to set the schedule. Can you help?
kitman_bb 寫道:
i have fixed the feeding time schedule for the bb, the last round must be done at 1100 pm
she usu. wake up at 0600 am -- feed milk after that she will play a while and then sleep again
she then wake up at 1000 a.m and i feed her milk at 1030, if she doesnt wake up before 1030, i will wake up her at 1100
then every 4 hours, i will feed her milk.
1030 or 1100,
1430 or 1500,
1830 or 1900,
2230 or 2300
5.5 oz @
MomAC 寫道:
咁你bb即係有時7:00起身, 有時8:00, 有時6:00?
我每日都有記錄, 但係日日阿b都唔同時間起身.
究竟佢最後果餐訓左, 應唔應該叫醒佢食?
pekkle1120 寫道:
我bb每日都係7點幾起身, 7:30 食奶...
我都每日有叫工人記錄低bb幾點食奶, 食左幾多, 有冇便便..
正常黎計, 你每餐係4-4.5個hours, 基本上bb就會每日都會差唔多時間起身...
我bb o既時間就係:
7:30/8:00 6安-6.5安
11:30/12:00 6安-6.5安
15:30/16:00 6安-6.5安
19:30/20:00 6安-8安
last一餐就睇我工人幾點起身就餵佢食...有時12點, 有時1點..5-6安
MomAC 寫道:
咁你bb即係有時7:00起身, 有時8:00, 有時6:00?
我每日都有記錄, 但係日日阿b都唔同時間起身.
究竟佢最後果餐訓左, 應唔應該叫醒佢食?
pekkle1120 寫道:
其實4.5hours 都唔係太長...
正常都係4個hours 一餐, 如果佢未夠4hours 就嘈, 咁有可能係你比得太少佢食...試下比多少少...你可以咁o既時間都冇問題呀...
我bb 一日有2次會訓over 6個鐘...