




積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-14 20:09 |只看該作者


我第一個係 bun, 用左佢 10+ 日已經 fired 左佢, 因為佢 attitude 差同病唔肯去睇醫生, 差 d '野' 倒我個仔. 第 2 個係印, 用左佢 over 3 wks, 最後都係唔要, 因為佢真係唔識湊 nb.

我原先都想比多 d 時間去 train 個印, 但係佢愈做愈無心機, 唔知係唔係佢自己都覺得唔識湊 nb?~ 再加上我個 b 呢兩三個星期都幾扭, 都唔知係唔係佢唔好彩, 佢來左無耐, 阿 b 就開始扭得好西利... 我又要返工啦, 所以唯有唔要佢, 叫我 mami 來睇住.

而家再請工人, 真係唔知應該點 choose?! 究竟應該搵個有出埠 exp 好定係淨係0係 phil 做過既 maid 好? 我家姐好多年前請左一個有讀過 nursery quali 既 bun, 湊到我家姐對 twins 好好, 但係有 nursery 唔係太多 choices. 我個 agent 就話 married w/child 好 d, 因為佢地做左人 mami, 屋企既 burden 又應該會大 d, 應該會聽話 d... 但係我第一個 bun 都係咁既 background, 唔知同唔同佢有去過 taiwan 做嘢有關, 所以唔係太聽人講呢?

大家可唔可以教下我? many thanks!


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 09:02 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

有係 mami 可以比 d 意見我呀?


積分: 4673

發表於 07-5-15 09:28 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

我同你case 一樣:

第一個賓: 未出過國, 有5個仔女, 來到都話唔識湊仔, 無心機湊。

第二個印: 仲衰, 加尿入d 水到比我地飲, 再加上未婚, 後生, 完全唔識湊new born, 只識同小朋友玩(唯一的好處), 但衛生情度嚇人。

我依家都就生, 都唔知搵乜野人好, 走訪過數10間agent, 都仲未搵到合心水既!!!


積分: 317

發表於 07-5-15 09:31 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

請工人好多時都係講彩數, 不過我自己就覺得印印衛生方面無bun bun咁好, 如果你有人係度昅住佢都ok, 如果無, 最好請係singapore做過既bun, 有2年經驗會較好, 結左婚同有小朋友當然會較有common sense同要顧家會stable點, 但好多時佢地會掛住仔女, 又或者驚老公搵第二個女人, 好多時都會無心機。就算你set晒條件, 都唔一定好, 總之都係祝你好運, 希望你遇到好工人!


積分: 1041

發表於 07-5-15 09:32 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

有ex-SG經驗會好啲,佢地本國的經驗,好多是流的。妳要講明有揍NB經驗,我擇我的印印時,網上看她們的RESUME,不是個個都願意揍 / 擁有揍NB經驗,要花多一點時間去擇。

六個月豬豬,有16.5磅,比別的 bb 高了一點喔!!


積分: 4673

發表於 07-5-15 09:48 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

哎, 我上一個印都話係星加坡做左4年, 但衛生情度咪又係差, 只係英文好。點解? 因為個邊日中無人係屋企睇住佢囉。
佢做乜, 點樣程序清潔邊個知喎。
但來度香港, 婆婆係屋企看住, 先發現超級dirty, eg. 用塊百潔布去洗抽油煙機(加藍威保個隻), 跟住又用來洗碗, 想食死人咩。發現得早, 好彩!!

不過自從上次一事, 我都唔敢再請印, 因為佢地太信巫術/迷信, 即使你對佢無野, 佢都可以加料落d 食物度, 希望你對佢更好。


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 15:04 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

YnnMa 寫道:
我同你case 一樣:

第一個賓: 未出過國, 有5個仔女, 來到都話唔識湊仔, 無心機湊。

第二個印: 仲衰, 加尿入d 水到比我地飲, 再加上未婚, 後生, 完全唔識湊new born, 只識同小朋友玩(唯一的好處), 但衛生情度嚇人。

我依家都就生, 都唔知搵乜野人好, 走訪過數10間agent, 都仲未搵到合心水既!!!

又真係幾恐怖 wor... 我個印就有一次問我, 話個 bb 剛出世時有無0係佢對耳邊大力拍一下, 佢話0係印係咁 wor, 咁個 bb 就唔會咁易比聲嚇親... 我聽倒就真係比佢嚇親啦...


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 15:08 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

YnnMa 寫道:
哎, 我上一個印都話係星加坡做左4年, 但衛生情度咪又係差, 只係英文好。點解? 因為個邊日中無人係屋企睇住佢囉。
佢做乜, 點樣程序清潔邊個知喎。
但來度香港, 婆婆係屋企看住, 先發現超級dirty, eg. 用塊百潔布去洗抽油煙機(加藍威保個隻), 跟住又用來洗碗, 想食死人咩。發現得早, 好彩!!

不過自從上次一事, 我都唔敢再請印, 因為佢地太信巫術/迷信, 即使你對佢無野, 佢都可以加料落d 食物度, 希望你對佢更好。

我第一個 bun 唔0係我到做就即刻去其他 agency 搵工, 我0係其中一個 website 見倒佢既 cv, d info 係假既. 佢話自己0係 sing 做過嘢, 其實無, 淨係有 taiwan exp. 佢又話自己0係 hk 湊過 nb... 如果佢0係我屋企做左 12 日, 當中有5 日係休息無點過 bb 都叫有咁既 exp, 我都無嘢好講啦...


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 15:15 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

leema 寫道:
請工人好多時都係講彩數, 不過我自己就覺得印印衛生方面無bun bun咁好, 如果你有人係度昅住佢都ok, 如果無, 最好請係singapore做過既bun, 有2年經驗會較好, 結左婚同有小朋友當然會較有common sense同要顧家會stable點, 但好多時佢地會掛住仔女, 又或者驚老公搵第二個女人, 好多時都會無心機。就算你set晒條件, 都唔一定好, 總之都係祝你好運, 希望你遇到好工人!

我第一次搵工人既時候, 都堅持要一個有 sing exp 既, 不過真係唔多. 再加上有 fnd 同我講, 話佢地而家 d bun 好精, 知 hk d employer 想搵佢地呢 d 有去過 sing 做嘢既 bun, 所以佢地而家都好寸, 唔聽話. 你地有無聽過呢 d 傳聞呀?

我0個個都係一提倒個女就喊, 我都明既, 不過佢地都要明 lor, 條路係佢地自己要 choose 既, 就應該好好地咁做, 搵倒 $$ 咪返過去見返 d 屋企人 lor, 都唔明點解佢地重可以咁多事實, 又 li 又 lo... 唉... 講真, 我而家真係好心煩, 雖然我都明, 要請一個好工人唔易, 係要講彩數... 但係為人父母既, 就真係好想比個真係識湊佢同鍚佢既人睇住...


積分: 1309


發表於 07-5-15 15:35 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?


I understand you completely that we really want to hire a good maid to take care of our children. I always feel quite nervous when I go to work, I miss my girl very much and worry that my maid treats her badly...

If I would to choose a maid again, I would choose one with Singapore exp. too. The one I have had no working experience at all and I vomitted blood when I trained her for the first 3 months (before I return to work). Then at the 5th month, she started to be dishonest. Vomit again!


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 15:42 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

Hi Miffy0824

Your daughter is really lovely...

I heard quite a lot of cases that the maid is dishonest, it's quite annoying even though we all know that it's difficult to find one who would never tell lies.

Frankly now I do need one who can really take care of my boy so whether she can handle the household stuff properly is not the major issue anymore. However, personal higene is the top importance that I can't be flexible.

In view of the comments, one with Sing exp seems better than working exp in other countries....

By the way, do you think one with nursery quali is important?


積分: 1309


發表於 07-5-15 15:49 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

Hi Retail,

Thanks. Your boy is cute too, how many months?

Em...it's of course good to have nursery qualification however, I think it's hard to find one who meets all the requirements. I would ask questions about how to feed a baby, how to bath, etc. and ask if the maid takes care of her own children. These are the questions I did not ask when I interviewed my current maid.


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 16:06 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

Hi miffy0824

Today is my boy's 2 month's birthday!

True that it's difficult to find one with nursery qualification. My agent has one referred to me. It is an old application, quite long time ago. My husband concerned that if she has any problems. Furthermore, she is single, we prefer one who is married w/child.

During my interview with my first maid, I asked the question like how you will do if you found the baby is sick. Her reply was I will call you or Sir immediately, will not give the baby any medicines. Her answer is pretty impressed, right?

When she was on board, I found her not feeling well and asked her several times if she needs a doctor visit. We have emphasised to her that she doesnt need to pay since she is insured. She kept saying that she is fine. Finally I found that she doesn't like to take in medicine since she told me that she will not take her girl to see doctor until she got a high fever at 40. Really scary...


積分: 317

發表於 07-5-15 16:27 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

Retail, miffy,
我都好明白交個new born bb比外傭真係唔放心, 就算佢幾有經驗都好, 我大女出世我係諗住比婆婆揍, 點知2個月婆婆病左, 無辦法, 我已經返左工, 唯有請個現成既, 佢都好快手, 做野都算滿意, 係那西d囉, 但揍得亞女都ok, 點知唔夠一年, 亞女脾氣差左, 又發現亞女每逢我地出門都喊得好勁, 果時係12年前, 唔興cam, 我唯有用錄音機, 比我發現佢打亞女, 我即時搵99返黎住同昅住佢, 跟手搵過另外一個, 到左就炒。如果係而家當然一定要裝cam啦。


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 16:47 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

好驚呀, 我都唔明點解佢地可以打得落手, bb 咁可愛. 如果佢地係唔鐘意湊 bb 既, 佢地大可以0係 cv 講明, 咁我地咪唔會 consider 佢地 lor.

我記得我個 b 0係我同老公出街既時候都係咁喊, c 啦, 唔通當時倨印都係對阿 b 唔好? 所以佢喊得咁勁? 好在我同老公都堅持, 就算幾夜, 我地都會幫 bb 沖涼, 咁就可以睇倒佢有無打阿 b. 咁當然, 佢都可以淨係蝦佢, 整紅佢, 無瘀傷, 咁我地都唔會知... 唉...! 真係一萬個唔放心比外人湊...


積分: 1839

發表於 07-5-15 16:49 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

好驚呀, 我都唔明點解佢地可以打得落手, bb 咁可愛. 如果佢地係唔鐘意湊 bb 既, 佢地大可以0係 cv 講明, 咁我地咪唔會 consider 佢地 lor.

我記得我個 b 0係我同老公出街既時候都係咁喊, c 啦, 唔通當時倨印都係對阿 b 唔好? 所以佢喊得咁勁? 好在我同老公都堅持, 就算幾夜, 我地都會幫 bb 沖涼, 咁就可以睇倒佢有無打阿 b. 咁當然, 佢都可以淨係蝦佢, 整紅佢, 無瘀傷, 咁我地都唔會知... 唉...! 真係一萬個唔放心比外人湊...


積分: 317

發表於 07-5-16 11:30 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

咁又唔駛c, 個個b見到dad & mom出門都會喊, 不過要小心囉...你有裝cam, 多d睇住呀
如果可以的話, 我都會勸d朋友自己揍, 請人都係信唔過, 有幾多真係咁好彩請到好架?


積分: 1309


發表於 07-5-16 11:40 |只看該作者

Re: 點請工人好?

My friends asked me to observe my baby's attitude towards the maid. Normally if she's the one who takes care of her most of the time, my baby should smile to her or look happy when she sees her. If it is not the case or she looks scared or cried, etc, there must be something wrong wor...Therefore, I always look how my baby reacts when she sees my maid. So far, she's happy with her.

I also have Cam at home. Honestly, I feel pressure everytime to look at the cam. I am afraid to see something which I don't want to see.

Anyways, I always ask myself to relax but it's really hard....


