




積分: 1107

發表於 07-5-14 20:18 |顯示全部帖子

請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit card copy (網上有咁寫)? 請



積分: 5769

發表於 07-5-14 20:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c


我個工人坐了兩次,我都無俾credit card copy佢都ok喎....
我的大寶貝喜悅晴朗  我的小寶貝光明喜樂


積分: 1720

發表於 07-5-14 21:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

suppose your bun bun has to bring along with her a photocopy of your credit card.

i will leave hk with my bun bun on the same day. so i plan to check in with her just in case. i will not give her this copy to do anything.


積分: 1107

發表於 07-5-16 02:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

Thank you for the advice. It seems impossible to give a photocopy of my credit card copy to my maid if I fire her! Any other alternative to pay or to get the cheaper ticket?


積分: 1676

發表於 07-5-16 07:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

There is no need to bring the credit card copy to check in. Just print the e-ticket out and bring it along with her passport when she checks in at the airport.


積分: 588

發表於 07-5-16 08:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

請問在網上訂cebu的機票confirm後可以改期嗎? 因為要炒賓賓,佢應在被炒後可以留港14天,故張機票要係open ticket 才行(即可以在14天內改期).



積分: 1107

發表於 07-5-26 23:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

I'd asked my agent, she said Cebu's ticket is not open ticket, if changing the date of departure, there will be a surcharge of $500 for each alternation. Therefore, for 炒賓賓, we better buy Philipline Airline which is open for 14 days. I'd booked one for my bun costed $1280. I'm going to fire her next week.

RoosterMum 寫道:
請問在網上訂cebu的機票confirm後可以改期嗎? 因為要炒賓賓,佢應在被炒後可以留港14天,故張機票要係open ticket 才行(即可以在14天內改期).



積分: 10466

發表於 07-5-26 23:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

我想問我book完後冇即刻print out 嗰張print this page,
跟住收到個email topic 係:
Cebu Pacific Air e-Ticket transaction receipt


Your itinerary is as follows:

Booking number: MxxxY
Reference: ITDxxxxxxxCEB
Name: Ms xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Telephone: xxxxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Operator: Cebu Pacific Air 5J111
From: HKG Chek Lap Kok Intl Airport
Depart: Sun, 19 Aug, 1100
Number of stops: 0
To: Manila
Arrive: Sun, 19 Aug, 1300
Smoking: No
Equipment: Airbus A320
Passengers: Ms xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Adult)
Price: HKD 555.12
Total to be charged to credit card: HKD 555.12

Booking fulfilment: Electronic ticket
Ticket Number: 245xxxxxx16

請問lee張是否已經係e-ticket勒? 剩係print咗lee張就ok?


積分: 10466

發表於 07-5-28 13:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

請問有冇人可解答呀? tks!

bkmummy 寫道:
我想問我book完後冇即刻print out 嗰張print this page,
跟住收到個email topic 係:
Cebu Pacific Air e-Ticket transaction receipt


Your itinerary is as follows:

Booking number: MxxxY
Reference: ITDxxxxxxxCEB
Name: Ms xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Telephone: xxxxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Operator: Cebu Pacific Air 5J111
From: HKG Chek Lap Kok Intl Airport
Depart: Sun, 19 Aug, 1100
Number of stops: 0
To: Manila
Arrive: Sun, 19 Aug, 1300
Smoking: No
Equipment: Airbus A320
Passengers: Ms xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Adult)
Price: HKD 555.12
Total to be charged to credit card: HKD 555.12

Booking fulfilment: Electronic ticket
Ticket Number: 245xxxxxx16

請問lee張是否已經係e-ticket勒? 剩係print咗lee張就ok?


積分: 4412

發表於 07-5-28 15:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c


你果張receipt得架喇﹐有晒ticket number﹐無問題。我試過唔想俾工人知張機票幾錢﹐冇俾張receipt過佢﹐但俾張confirmation佢﹐一樣可上機冇問題。


肯定唔需要俾credit card copy﹐邊個講架﹖

話到明e-ticket﹐即係冇一張張紙做既機票﹐只有electronic ticket﹐係航空公司既電腦就已經有齊資料﹐只需要帶confirmation以出示乘客﹐航機資料﹐同埋passport就可以check in架喇。

仲有仲有﹐係cebu pacific air買e-ticket,係可以俾錢去改日期﹐但只係$300咋喎 ﹐個網寫既﹐除非加左價喇。另外工人都炒咯﹐即係唔好啦﹐仲理得佢要唔要改日期﹖只要買一張有最少14日有效而可改期既機票﹐就已完成僱主責任。要改咪佢自己俾錢改囉﹐駛乜同佢諗咁多。


積分: 662

發表於 07-5-28 18:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

我都想問一句若是完約bun bun咁是否也要買最少14日有效而可改期既機票,定cebu ticket 也可,因價錢相差很遠。


積分: 10466

發表於 07-5-28 20:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

唔該晒呀justjust, 另外你講嗰張confirmation係咪即係confirm完後電腦叫你print this page嗰張呀?

justjust 寫道:

你果張receipt得架喇﹐有晒ticket number﹐無問題。我試過唔想俾工人知張機票幾錢﹐冇俾張receipt過佢﹐但俾張confirmation佢﹐一樣可上機冇問題。


肯定唔需要俾credit card copy﹐邊個講架﹖

話到明e-ticket﹐即係冇一張張紙做既機票﹐只有electronic ticket﹐係航空公司既電腦就已經有齊資料﹐只需要帶confirmation以出示乘客﹐航機資料﹐同埋passport就可以check in架喇。

仲有仲有﹐係cebu pacific air買e-ticket,係可以俾錢去改日期﹐但只係$300咋喎 ﹐個網寫既﹐除非加左價喇。另外工人都炒咯﹐即係唔好啦﹐仲理得佢要唔要改日期﹖只要買一張有最少14日有效而可改期既機票﹐就已完成僱主責任。要改咪佢自己俾錢改囉﹐駛乜同佢諗咁多。


積分: 4411

發表於 07-5-30 14:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

我問過勞工署比機票要open ticket 冇日期總知工人上唔到機顧主有責任 要同工人商量可以比旅費 綠色合約7点 a part 加簽收名 :tongue:


積分: 4412

發表於 07-5-30 15:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c


係﹐若是完約bun bun否也要買最少14日有效而可改期既機票﹐不限咩航空公司﹐cebu pacific只係其中一間航空公司﹐買cathay或philippine airlines機票都得格。


係呀﹐係Booking Confirmation果版﹐今日咁岩執櫃桶﹐剿番張紙出黎﹐寫住:

Thanks for purchasing a flight with Cebu Pacific! A full version of your e-ticket transaction receipt will be e-mailed to you shortly. Please print it out and bring it with you to the airport along with one valid photo ID..........

Or you may also print out this page and present this to the airport along with your valid photo ID.

上面有Booking number, record locator。其實有呢兩個no., 加埋工人既passport已經可以上機。而呢一版版面較闊﹐價錢係右手邊﹐print 出來時係睇唔到右手邊價錢﹐所以我只俾呢張個工人。


積分: 4412

發表於 07-5-30 16:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c



但若工人告僱主﹐工人visa會延長﹐直至單case完為止﹐可以1個月﹐3個月﹐6個月﹐1年甚或更長。根本上出去買open ticket﹐通常都係有1年期﹐唔會真係無限期。所以如果﹐工人玩野﹐一般都唔會買機票住﹐等settle晒其他問題先再處理機票﹐又或者係settle claims既過程當中﹐機票已經折現﹐甚至已用於抵銷工人既索償。


積分: 10466

發表於 07-5-30 18:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

oh! justjust,

thank you thank you very much!!


積分: 2000

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 07-5-31 15:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

我剛上Cebu的網睇咗,在e-ticket一欄內,清楚寫住check in時要credit card

Step 4: Check-in for your flight. Present your Transaction Receipt to airport security. At the check-in counter, present a valid photo ID and the credit card you used to buy the e-Ticket. Our check-in staff will retrieve your e-Ticket record and issue you a boarding pass.

而且最近在壹週刊也看過有人買e-ticket,因check in時沒有帶訂機票的credit card,而上唔到機!


積分: 4412

發表於 07-5-31 16:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c



How do I purchase an e-Ticket?

The easiest way is to simply book and pay through this website, using your credit card. It's fast and easy. Your transaction receipt will be sent to you via email and your next step is checking in at the airport!

You can also purchase an e-Ticket by doing this:

Step 1: Book your flight by doing any of the following:
-Contact our Call Center at tel +63-2-70-20-888
-Use txtCEB. For Globe and TouchMobile subscribers, text CEB FLIGHT or CEB HELP and send to 2982. For Smart, Talk N' Text and Addict Mobile subscribers, text CEB and send to 2952 and for Sun Cellular subscribers, text CEB and send to 2982 or click on the directory of the Mall
-Visit any of our ticket offices nationwide

Step 2: Pay for your e-Ticket through:
-Phone, by contacting our Call Center. Pay using your Visa or Mastercard credit card or through Equitable-PCIBank's FASTphone.
-Any of our ticket offices, by making an over-the-counter transaction
-ATM, by visiting any Equitable-PCIBank ATM, or call your branch for details (pre-enrolment is required)

Step 3: Get your Transaction Receipt. Cebu Pacific will issue you an e-Ticket Transaction Receipt. This displays the ticket purchase, itinerary, amount paid, and all other necessary information.

Step 4: Check-in for your flight. Present your Transaction Receipt to airport security. At the check-in counter, present a valid photo ID and the credit card you used to buy the e-Ticket. Our check-in staff will retrieve your e-Ticket record and issue you a boarding pass.

應該理解作﹐不經網站book而用Step 1既方法去book﹐Step 2既方法去俾錢﹐就要依照Step3同Step4,係check-in時出示信用卡

我睇番半年前幫工人買機票既confirmation﹐同埋5頁紙既receipt﹐冇要求工人帶買票時用既信用卡或副本﹐即使提到信用卡﹐都只係話信用卡可作photo ID.

我用左e-ticket咁多年﹐最近呢兩年亦係cebu買e-ticket俾工人﹐從未需要出示信用卡或副本黎check-in﹐除非有d係機場自助check-in﹐會叫你swipe張卡而print張boarding pass出黎



積分: 6652

好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 07-6-5 00:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c


工人完約返phil, 邊度買機票最平? 價錢多少? 另可否告知cebu e-ticket 之 website 呢 ? 多謝幫忙!!


積分: 454

發表於 07-6-7 11:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問在網上book cebu airline ticket 在那裡取ticket? 是否上機時要出示訂票的credit c

Hi Justjust,

Please check your PM and I need your help urgently. Thank you very much!


