Rarama 寫道:
I don't want to 開刀. :cry:
Some time ago there were news reports about new borns with the problem of 'wet lungs'. In the process of natural delivery, the brain will tell the lung to get rid of 胎水. 開刀生, many bb may still have 胎水 in their lungs. :cry: What's more, 對媽咪身體冇咁好, many good food great for my recovery cannot be taken so soon.![]()
miumiu809 寫道:
開刀, 因為怕痛, 唔想剪會陰.
bb估計會係中-大碼b. 8lbs!!
上次聽完個講座, 醫生話開刀對BB好D, 對媽咪身體冇咁好.
daphaney 寫道:
你試想想俾人開一刀傷d 定喺剪一吓傷d?!
我阿b都喺中-大碼, 我老公非常唔讚成開刀 (除非e生話要), 我們聽了很多個talk, 每個e生都喺話自然分娩對媽媽是最好的, 我老公講過最重要是老婆而不是bb, 所以他的深層意義我身心感受. 在外國, 孕婦臨生前e生/護士會提醒大家一句 ~ 最重要的不是如何對bb好, 而是如何珍惜另一半和維繫一段美滿婚姻.
miumiu809 寫道:
開刀, 因為怕痛, 唔想剪會陰.
bb估計會係中-大碼b. 8lbs!!
上次聽完個講座, 醫生話開刀對BB好D, 對媽咪身體冇咁好.